Choose Ugly Putters to Make Your Golf Game a Little More Pretty
Any golfer worth their wooden tee knows that an above-par score is not good. It’s actually the exact goal that you’re trying to avoid. However, we will say, our Golfzon simulators allow us to be the region’s preferred choice for indoor golf.
As the standard for indoor golf simulation equipment, Golfzon continues to garner awards for its cutting-edge technology and realistic play formats. The course selections and easy-to-navigate interfaces make it easy to see why indoor simulated play is becoming one of the fastest-growing digital sports in the country. Named by Golf Digest as 2019’s “Best Golf Simulator/Luxury” (Vision Standard model), the simulations provided by Golfzon are highly responsive, exceptionally accurate, and incredibly detailed. Ugly Putters is outfitted with four of Golfzon’s award-winning indoor golf simulators, giving you an experience unlike any other.
Visiting Ugly Putters is like golf, but better; no annoyingly slow foursomes, no lost balls, no overly friendly, uber-chatty, power-happy golf marshals. Just straight-up play, challenging holes, and improvement in your overall game.
Curious to learn more? Contact our facility to schedule an experience with Ugly Putters, and discover the bright yet indoor future of golf.